Les Dauphins Heureux - Mahe, Seychelles
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Restaurant name
Les Dauphins Heureux
PO Box 3011, Southern Investment Building, Anse Royale, Mahe, Seychelles
Contact number
+248 443 01 10
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Company description
Les Dauphins Heureux is a Seychelles-based tour operator, specializing in water-based activities. With over two decades of experience in the industry, Les Dauphins Heureux is renowned for its commitment to providing exceptional services and helping its customers experience the beauty of the Seychelles. With an extensive network of local contacts, they offer a wide range of activities, from whale watching and snorkeling to kayaking and fishing. Their experienced staff will ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience, while providing you with the opportunity to explore the exotic flora and fauna of the Seychelles. Les Dauphins Heureux is dedicated to providing you with an unforgettable experience, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for an unforgettable adventure in the Seychelles.
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